Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today, Mr. Potato Head is sad, but trying to keep in the love and the light

It has been a very sad few weeks here at Earlham. As some of you may or may not know, three students were involved in a train accident a few weeks ago. Sadly, one student lost her life at the scene, while the two others remained in critical condition. Just this week, one of the other victims passed away. While it is a blessing that the third person is out of the hospital (to my knowledge), the loss of two students is very sad. I did not know either person except by face, but I do think it is very sad, and my thoughts are with the families and friends of all the victims.

I've been very emotional with these events despite not knowing any involved very well. Why? Well, I have had a lot of loss in my life. As I joke with my friends, I've been to more funerals than birthday parties. However, it doesn't matter how many times it happens:

Losing someone is never easy.

Just in my time at Earlham, along with seven Earlham students, I've lost family members and my high school room mate/friend. I think losing my Aunt was very hard, but the hardest recently had been my room mate. While we were not like, super super best friends, we were close friends. We had an experience together, and I am so glad we got to have that experience together. It's never easy losing someone your own age... it makes you realize just how mortal you are, and how quick life can go by.

So, without being super depressed, I really wanted to write this about the service I went to this evening for one of the victims. I felt almost like an intruding presence, because I was not friends with the victim. However, the reflection and silent service really helped me think about my time at Earlham, my friends, and the community I have at this school. I love this school. I love these people. I love the connections I've made with friends and teachers. I will miss it all terribly.

In closing, if you have experienced loss recently, I am very sorry for your loss. However, while you cry, there are words which I think have stuck with me for awhile, especially since coming to college

"Don't pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living and above all, all those who live without love."
                                                             - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Thankfully, all those who passed away, and those in my life now are full of love, and I could not be happier to cherish my time with them. I hope you all do the same with your loved ones.

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