Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Potato Heads are so over Hell Week, Part 1.

First, I just want to thank my best friend for the new Potato Head parts. Seriously, I have awesome friends. 

So, I actually wanted to update much earlier this week, but this week turned out to be part one of The Hell Week. It also marked the return of that evil witch: thesis.

So, where to begin? Well, my week started out alright with the Super Bowl. I ate lots of yummy food and slept wonderfully.....

Then it was Monday.

Monday's are actually my new Wednesday, in terms of classes. I have no afternoon classes and no evening commitments, so it's a very nice situation. However, I got some bad news on Monday: I didn't get into a certain program I applied for.

At the time, I was very distressed. I was able to have my episode and tried to give myself as much "me time" as I wanted. Reflecting days later, I feel 95% better about everything, but there is little fun in being rejected. Surely we all know that feeling.

The rest of this week was just emotionally draining. If your week starts out with a .2 pound weight gain and being rejected from something, it's very easy to just mark off the week with bad choices and be like "Oh well, there's always next week!" Also, you then realize "Oh wait, the paper that decides whether I graduate or not is due next week. WELL FU-". However, nothing really good comes out of that. My cures for a bad week: Ben Folds, Harry Potter audiobooks, sleep, and deleting your facebook.

So, despite having the most important paper of my life due, an interview to prepare for, and a science test which I am NOT prepared for, there is some silver lining to this coming Hell Week.

1) Being done with thesis.
2) Having my test done early.
3) Lots and lots of coffee

 I will probably try to avoid any kind of blogging (not that that's a surprise, amirite?) until Friday at 4 pm when I turn in my thesis. After that, I will probably be a much happier person with much happier blogs.

Wish me luck on Hell Week, Part 2!

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