Monday, November 26, 2012

Today, Mr. Potato Head is prepparing for Christmas at school

Hello everyone! It has been awhile, hasn't it?

Mr. Potato Head and I are back in America, and back at my home school for my senior year. I am currently writing my thesis (which happens to be due in about < 2 weeks), and stressing out over classes.

I recently got back from Thanksgiving break. As much as I love Japan, it was wonderful having a real Thanksgiving with family, and black Friday shopping in person. I am so happy I able to be with my loved ones this year.

Anyway, I was able to get a new Christmas tree, which I love. I'm saving my smaller Christmas tree from my mother until next year, when I am hopefully back in Japan.

As we speak, I am applying to a few programs where I can be abroad. Along with JET, I am applying for my school's program where you also assistant teach English in Japan.  As soon as I graduate, I plan on applying to the Teach America program, so I can at least have some kind of job. I suppose the worst thing that happens is that I am not accepted anywhere... I really don't want that to happen, but we'll see.

Anyway, so I am hoping to update this more. While Mr. P and I are no longer in Japan, we still try to have adventures. If you all have questions or things you want me to discuss regarding my time in Japan, or my current adventures, please feel free to ask. I will gladly answer!

With much Love,

The Official Photographer of Mr. Potato Head

1 comment:

  1. So glad TOPoMPH is back! What does Mr Potato Head to to relieve stress? Exercise? Play in the heart? Eat? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Also, how does Mr Potato Head shop? or does he leave that all to Mrs. Potato Head?
