Friday, February 10, 2012

Today, Mr. Potato Head is settling into the "special room"

So first, I should probability explain this "special room". Last year, two of my friends did the same internship I'm doing right now. During their time here, they stayed on the second floor of what the staff calls the garage,  and I call "the shack". The room is about the size of my room in my apartment at Tokyo, except it is tatami-matted.

It's "specialness"is more sarcastic than anything,

But it's really not TOOO bad...[knock on wood]

On Saturday nights, when guests use our cabin, we stay in this room. No bath, no sink, no toliet... it's like a step between motel/tent camping.

However, as much as it seems I am complaining, I'm honestly the second happiest I've been in Japan [the first waz a retreat to Karuizawa, also in Nagano Prefecture].

I've learned I don't like Tokyo people. AT. ALL. The people in the country are SO MUCH friendlier, and don't stare at me constantly like Tokoyo people. Sure, I work my butt off for 8 hours a day, and it's super cold, but I could honestly not be happier....

[Knocks on wood]

Until tomorrow,

Mr. PH and his photographer

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